Where do the Scars Appear in Reduction Mammoplasty?

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How the incision methods are applied is quite a technical operation issue. Maya Aesthetic Surgery doctors will decide on which method to be applied during your examination according to your characteristics.

Scars occur on the area of incision. After a year, these scars begin to acquire the skin colour. A year after the operation, women don't worry about these scars at all since they got rid of problems such as back-shoulder pains, not being able to walk at a fast pace, hunching their shoulders, looking overweight etc. Following the operation, women are able to walk at a fast pace and they manage to stand upright as well. Since they have breasts which are proportional to their bodies, they don't look overweight anymore. They don't suffer back-shoulder pains.

When you look in a mirror, if you see your nipple below your breast's folding line it's necessary to treat the nipple during the operation. The distance between the location where your nipple currently is and the location where it's supposed to be under normal circumstances is crucial for the determination of the operation technique.

Practical skills and theoretical knowledge-experience of a plastic surgeon is of prime importance for the reduction mammoplasties.


Reduction Mammoplasty without a Surgical Scar

If the breast characteristics are suitable, the reduction mammoplasty can be performed only by removing the excess fat for some women. There occurs no scar since this method doesn't involve an incision.