Examination for Rhinoplasty

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The nose is the organ which draws considerable interest when you look at the faces of others or when others look at your face.

Examination for Rhinoplasty

Since the appearance is of importance today, Rhinoplasties have become the most commonly performed plastic surgeries in the recent years.


Before the Examination for Rhinoplasty

The essential organ for our facial beauty, the nose being in the middle of the face and disproportional with the eyes and lips leads to our dissatisfaction regarding beauty and handsomeness. When we look in a mirror, sometimes we start losing our self-confidence as a result of the dissatisfaction. Besides, your dissatisfaction escalates as a result of the low quality of life if you are breathing through your mouth and you have problems of nasal congestion. You get tired easily and you become unwilling to speak, as well as to get up from the bed since you cannot have a comfortable sleep, as long as you cannot breathe healthily. When you lack the energy, your loss of self-confidence escalates further with the dissatisfaction.


If you are experiencing such problems, you need a rhinoplasty. You need to start doing researches with regard to your rhinoplasty. You shouldn't postpone your surgery in order to increase the quality of your life. Don't allow delays in your life to increase the quality of your life.

If you are experiencing problems only with the nasal functions, there exist surgeries performed with regard to the nasal functions. Despite the malformations in your nose, you might not have any dissatisfaction with the shape of your nose.

If you have problems with the shape of your nose, as well as with your breathing, or if you have problems only with the shape of your nose; you need to get examined by a plastic surgeon in order to undergo a rhinoplasty.


First Step for Success in Rhinoplasty

Your dissatisfaction is more important than the malformations in your nose. If you want a change and remodelling in your body, you need to have an operation. The first and most important step for success in an operation is the person's desire to undergo such operation. If you have taken your first step, we recommend you to get examined by the plastic surgeons of Maya Aesthetic Surgery concerning the rhinoplasty.


How should be the Examination for Aesthetic Rhinoplasty?


The more you do researches through the internet, the more clearly you are able define the problems with regard to your nose. We recommend you to take notes as you identify the problems with your nose.

If you write down the matters which raise questions in your mind during your researches, you will not forget them and these notes will be of great help during your examination with the surgeons of Maya Aesthetic Surgery before the surgery. You can learn everything you need to know about the surgery during your examination.


In forum websites regarding rhinoplasty, you may read and get scared of the comments regarding the first days after the surgery. People who add these kinds of comments in such websites might not add further comments in the same webpage later on. They might not write in the same webpage the success and their satisfaction with regard to their surgeries. Following a successful surgery, they might forget what they have written in such websites and start enjoying their life to the full with their beautiful noses. Therefore, use these websites only for information purposes while reading such comments.

You can ask without hesitation the parts which raise questions in your mind during your examination with the surgeons of Maya Aesthetic Surgery. For instance, you will come across mostly comments regarding the nasal packing. What you need to perceive and know while reading such comments is the fact that nasal packing may be used sometimes. We suggest you not to be influenced by comments regarding the nasal packing. We also recommend you to take notes of the drugs you use so that you will not forget to mention them during your examination with our plastic surgeons.


How should be the Examination for Rhinoplasty?

It's important that you can easily ask the questions, which you wonder, to your doctor during your examination. This is also important for your satisfaction during the checkups to be performed after the surgery. The communication the plastic surgeon provides for you is as much important as her/his practical skills. Success comes with a healthy communication in a rhinoplasty. 


You will examine the photos of patients who have previously undergone surgery, which will help you to explain to your doctor what shape you expect from the surgery. Our Plastic Surgeon will tell you whether or not what shape you expect is feasible for your face. She/he will inform you of the profile which is suitable for your nose and face features.