Before and After Blepharoplasty

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You can find here the matters you are curious about regarding before and after blepharoplasty.

  1. Blepharoplasty generally takes one hour.
  2. Blepharoplasty is generally performed with local anaesthesia. General anaesthesia can also be used depending on the assessment of the doctor before the operation.
  3. After the operation, you may feel some tension in your eyelids. This is a normal postoperative process.
  4. Our doctor will prescribe you the necessary medication upon your discharge from the hospital.
  5. You are required to use the prescribed medication as required. Medicines should be taken at the specified time interval and for the specified number of days.
  6. You will be informed of your checkups after the surgery upon your discharge from the hospital.
  7. After the operation, you will have dressing bandages on your eyelids. These dressing bandages are replaced with new ones the following day. Your doctor will inform you of your following checkups.
  8. Bruises and swelling can occur during the recovery period. In this case you may experience a little difficulty in seeing. When the bruises and swelling start disappearing your vision will turn into normal. The sutures are removed in three to seven days following the operation. Following the removal of the sutures, the bruises and swelling around the eyelid will disappear gradually and you will start seeing and feeling better.
  9. You may experience excessive lachrymation during the first few weeks. Sensitivity may develop to light. Temporary changes may occur such as double or blurred vision.
  10. You can go back to your everyday life in a week.
  11. For the first weeks, you may be sensitive to the sunlight and wind. The best method of protection is wearing sunglasses.
  12. It's especially important that you avoid intensive physical exercises.
  13. It's important that you don't drink alcohol. We would like you to ask your doctor for how long you should avoid drinking alcohol upon your discharge from the hospital.
  14. You will have a rested look after the operation.
  15. Sensitivity is usual for the first days since you have undergone an operation from your Eyelids. Avoid rubbing your eyes strongly while you are washing your face in the morning, or for any other reason. Even though it's an easy and simple operation, it's still an operation which involves an incision.


When One can put on Eye Make-up?

Eye make-up can be put on in 7 to 10 days.

Who are not Suitable for Blepharoplasty?

It can be inconvenient for persons who have health issues such as hypertension, insufficient tear, blood circulation problems, diabetes, thyroidal problems, eye related problems etc. Plastic surgeons and anaesthesiologists will assess this.

How should be the Use of Glasses and Lenses following a Blepharoplasty?

There is no inconvenience for the use of glasses after these operations. However, the use of lens is not convenient for 7 to 10 days.

Can the Eyelids be given an Aesthetical Look without Surgery?

First and foremost, you need to get examined face-to-face. There are some methods which don't involve surgery. Medical solutions are also available. Contact us for medical solutions.